Saturday, April 20, 2013

gili air, indoneasia

today we had to cancel our snorkeling trip for the third time. it sucks. it is all cloudy and cold, which is kind of nice because it is always so hot
here. its always 25-33 degrees Celsius. so we are going tomorrow unless it is the same as today.we haven't done any thing for 3 days which is unusual
for us because we are always on the go when we are traveling. its kind of nice, this trip has bean like this the  whole time. we spent 2 weeks in the same spot
in new Zealand. on my last trip the longest we stayed in one spot was 3-5 days then we were off never to go there again.

I'm on my second book now. its called flipped and I'm half way threw in 2-3 days. its a good book you should read it some time. my favorite carrictor is named Julie. she sounds like she would be a lot of fun if she was really real.

i am also almost finished the hat that i am crocheting.

                                            fresh orange juice in the morning on the beach!
some of the things i learn are counting money from different countries. they have the indonesian rupiel here. $5 = 50,000.00 R

1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie Z., Nancy, Ashton.

    does travalling like every 3-5 day get old.

    whats your favorite place so far?

    hope your having an awesome time!!!
